As a requirement of being a Foundation Trust, various corporate publications are freely available to download. These include annual reports, equality information and board meeting reports. If you require any publications in an alternative format, please contact us at 0151 228 4811 or speak to the relevant clinical team. To help you find the publication you're looking for, please use the search and filter options available on this page.

Popular patient publications
001 Treatment of myelofibrosis
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
002 Number of melanoma patients and metastatic melanoma patients treated with a list of specific drugs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
003 Number of metastatic/advanced breast cancer patients treated with specific drugs
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004 Number of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients treated with specific drugs
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004 Usage of medicines in secondary care
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005 CQUIN: Appropriate antibiotic prescribing for UTI
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005 software for e-consent, school immunisations and waitlist validation
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006 annual spend for a list of suppliers from july 2021 to july 2022
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
006 Suppliers and cost of free visitor/patient WiFi access
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007 Cost and charges for car parking facilities for staff
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007 Financial Details and Operations of Private Parking Arrangements for NHS Staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
007 the treatment of haemophilia a
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
008 Data backup and disaster recovery tool
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008 numbers of agency nursing shifts with different suppliers
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008 Suppliers of non emergency patient transport and ambulance services; and courier services
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009 Board of Directors from 2008 – present
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009 Pre-paid debit cards – outsourcing 2020/21 and 2022/23
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009 suppliers and contracts relating to the trust’s digital systems
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010 Cancelled Operations between 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023
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010 Cosleeping policy
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010 reduction of emissions through sustainable transport, and more specifically, cycling
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011 chaplaincy service provision
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
011 Number of letters posted, percentage of 1st/2nd class, franking machine use, patient portal use, Email and SMS use with patients
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
011 Spend on Settlement Agreements in 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
012 implementation of virtual wards
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
012 IT budget and use of chatbots, including number of interactions and training
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012 Treatment of Non-UK Nationals
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013 number of physical assaults on staff, use of restraint and criminal sanctions applied
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014 incidence and treatment of clotting disorders
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014 Invoice details for all invoices where the payment date is greater than 30 days after the invoice date
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015 early access to medicines scheme and compassionate use medicines
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015 Selective Mutism Pathway
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
015 Spending on Communication Activities including social media, contractors, software and subscriptions
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016 Copy of the most recent Association for Perioperative Practice (AFPP) report
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016 Nursing agency usage and off framework agencies
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016 off-framework agency use and spend
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017 65 Week Wait
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017 cyber security and network devices
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018 managed print service contract
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018 Private Patients
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019 incidence and treatment of clotting disorders
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019 use of new biologic and targeted medications within dermatology and respiratory medicine
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020 Contract details for laundry service provider
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020 Corporate shared service data for finance, payroll, HR, and procurement
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020 electronic patient record and use in the clinical coding department
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021 Operations and tele reporting service
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021 participation in clinical trials
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022 agency use and spend for the last financial year
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022 Clinical Systems Providers
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022 treatment of dermatological conditions
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023 Provider of and contract details regarding hospital macerators
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023 use of screening before referring patients for adhd assessments
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024 Providers of and annual spend on single use surgical instrumentation
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025 Provider of and spend on hospital commodes
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025 use of dogs for therapeutic or medicinal purposes
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026 Coding department staff
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026 Digitalisation of the UK’s public sector – committee meeting technology
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027 contracts regarding the server hardware maintenance, server virtualisation licenses and maintenance and storage area network (san) maintenance/support
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
027 Hospital admissions related to air pollution exposure
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
027 Number of Cancer trackers and cancer MDT co-ordinators employed and split of cancer MDT co-ordinators WTE by each tumour site of responsibility
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028 Clinical Coding
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028 number of sexual harrassement allegations between 2019 and 2022
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
028 Numbers of and use of new biologic medications within dermatology
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029 Estates Contacts
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029 Print contract details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
029 trust statistics on spiking
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030 agency & bank nursing spend
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030 Spend for Hartmanns IV solution for each financial year since April 2017
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031 Biliary Tract and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
031 Number of patients treated by your haemophilia centre with a list of products
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032 contact details for energy manager, estates manager and procurement manager
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
032 Radiology Information System (RIS)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
032 Use of software to manage patient tracking or waiting lists, number of FTE validators, spend on external validators and staff training on RTT rules
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
033 CAMHS services and mental health support for children and young people aged 11 to 25 in Liverpool
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
033 List of all the Allen Advance, Allen GST Attachment, Mizuho OSI MTS 5803i and Mizuho OSI Trios 7803i spinal tables currently in use, including manufacturer, model and age
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
033 translation and interpretation services and contract information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
034 Number of whole-time equivalent and headcount of substantive Chaplaincy Team members by faith/belief demographic and contract type
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
034 Planned Care and Follow-up Appointments
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034 psychiatric inpatient wards
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
035 Number of and details regarding incidents of racist/xenophobic behaviour from patients towards staff in 2021
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
035 use of and spend on bariatric equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
036 Number of staff in the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team and copy of latest Workforce Equality and Diversity Report
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
036 sexual incidents within mental health departments
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
037 Number of patients who died while waiting for elective care in 2021
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
037 the number of cancelled, delayed or missed appointments as a result of british medical association strikes w/c 11th – 15th april
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
038 Number of patients diagnosed with Epilepsy, Dravet syndrome, Lennox Gastaut Syndrome, and Tuberous Sclerosis Complex and treatments used
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
038 Temporary Staffing Workforce Systems (FY23/24)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
038 Temporary Staffing Workforce Systems (FY23/24)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
039 Autism Waiting Times
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039 contact details of the clinical ethics committee
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
039 Gastroenterology clinic utilisation data for January, February and March 2022
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040 Executive Contacts
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040 it service management (itsm) platform
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
040 Number of Zoom licenses, Microsoft Teams licences and Google Meet licenses and the total spending on licenses for each platform.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
041 Medical imaging equipment and spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
041 teleradiology providers and contract information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
041 Trust contacts, Insourcing, Outsourcing
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
042 Spend on agency nursing and mental health services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
042 Waiting times and waiting lists in ASD and ADHD services including average wait times, number of referrals and assessments
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
043 Mobile voice and data
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
043 off-framework agency use and spend between March 2021 and March 2022
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
044 Dermatology advice to patients
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044 speech and language therapy service provision
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
045 Neuro Waiting times
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
045 Number of mobile devices currently in use and the operating systems (Andriod, iOS etc) they run on
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
045 patient entertainment provision
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046 General Ward Monitoring
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
046 General Ward Monitoring
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
046 Number of learning disability nurses, locations they are based, hours of service provision and salary banding information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
046 strikes and trusts’ use of the bma rate card
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
047 Contracts for mobile MRI and CT services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
047 Workforce and data warehousing – HR metrics, self service methods to aquire metrics and recruitment system in place
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
048 off framework agencies spend and usage
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
048 Spend on Office Supplies and associated Products
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
049 Estates and facilities department structure
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
049 Legal Firm Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
049 printing service
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
050 contact details of the trust medical examiner
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
050 Robotic process automation (RPA)/intelligent automation technology suppliers, contract and spend information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
050 SARS
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
051 Policies and procedures around PCR testing, LFT testing, refusal of treatment due to non-compliance with COVID-19 testing and visiting guidance
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
051 post-mortem examinations
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051 Thornbury Nursing Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
052 serving meat that may contain nitrates or nitrites
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
052 Stonewall Funding
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
053 Heart failure services – types of services, number of patients and numbers and type of staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
053 Legal Fees – Dr SB v AH
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
054 AI in Service Management
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
054 Use of couriers, taxis and non-patient transport services including spend and contract information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
055 ECP
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
055 Number of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)/agreements with ‘confidentiality clauses’ with staff or contractors
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
056 Histopathology labs that run immunohistochemistry diagnostic testing
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
056 Hospital Admissions due to Psychedelics Consumption
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
057 Bariatric Patient Equipment
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057 Financial management system – supplier, contract details and functions
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
058 Number of patients who were infected with Covid-19 inside your hospitals and the number of people who then died of or with the virus whilst in hospital or after discharge
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
058 Translation Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
059 Expenditure on any internal magazine produced by the trust, copies of the magazine and income received from the production of the magazine
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
059 Finance / ERP solution
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
060 Sick Days Report
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
061 Usage of medicines in secondary care
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
062 Shared care record date of implementation, supplier and local providers information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
062 Virtual Ward Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
063 Status of tech enabled virtual wards within your trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
064 Digital systems in use for EPR and the Trust’s integration engine
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
064 Telephony and storage
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
065 Contract register
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
066 Clinical systems information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
066 Number of patients with any disease treated with a list of drugs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
067 Discrimination reports – HIV
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
067 Number of patients with any conditions treated with a list of biologic drugs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
068 Core systems – suppliers and contract information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
068 Oncology Harm Reviews
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
069 Annual reports and accounts for 2015 to 2016 and 2016 to 2017
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
070 Cost improvement programme delivered for 2021 to 2022 and to be delivered for 2022 to 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
070 Reimbursement of home dialysis treatment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
071 Spectrum Ophthalmics
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
071 Spend on staff training
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
072 Decontamination and infection control contact details, decontamination risk assessment group attendees
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
072 Policy banning Electric Vehicles (EVs) from parking at the Catkin & Sunflower building
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
073 Information regarding the banning Electric Vehicles (EVs) from parking at the Catkin & Sunflower building
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
074 Funding schemes for cancer-patients’ treatments and monitoring
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
075 Nursing off framework agency usage 2022
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
076 EV Parking
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
076 Urgent treatment centre/urgent care/emergency department off framework agency usage 2022
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
077 Paediatric audiology services and provisions
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
077 Park Development Meetings
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
078 CAMHS deaths
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
078 GIDS – Training on trans children and young people
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
079 Number of fat shaming complaints from 2021
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
079 Risk of parked electric vehicles
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
080 Number of pharmacists employed, their ethnicity and grading
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
081 Contracts for IT software
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
081 GIDS – Gender Service
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
082 Capital Staffing
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
083 Number of patients with any disease treated with a list of drugs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
083 Virtual Wards
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
084 Trust postage and costs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
084 Waste management contracts information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
085 Agency usage and spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
086 Staffing systems currently in use
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
087 Benchmarking of community paediatrics services provisions
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
088 EPRR coordination of emergency and disaster management activities
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
089 Clinical systems – suppliers and contract information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
089 E Signatures
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
090 Mobile Device Management (MDM) system
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
090 Number of GP referrals and how many were rejected
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
091 Child Obesity Clinics
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
091 Total number of patients with obstetric brachial plexus injuries and number of new referrals of such patients received for each year from 2001 to 2021
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
092 Myeloma Service Provision
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
093 Audiology Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
093 nursing agency spend and hours, both on and off framework
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
094 Digital Dictation
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
094 Pay grades for clinical perfusionists and gender of each pay grade
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
095 Job Titles
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
095 Names and contact details of senior management for the trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
096 Expenditure over £25,000 for March 2022
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
097 Spirometry
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
097 Use of herbicide containing glyphosate on hospital grounds; policy for weed control, policy on the use of glyphosate, precautions in place and the volume and cost of these
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
098 Complaints about EDI Policies
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
098 Number of abuse incidents against staff working in the emergency department and the current number of clinicians in the general surgical department
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
099 Spend on temporary agency staff between 2018 and 2022
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
099 Working with Relatives
This item has been tagged with the following terms:
100 Contact details for the person(s) holding the role of patient safety specialist within the NHS trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
100 IG Structure
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
101 List of single chamber and double chamber CRM devices purchased in 2021
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
101 off-framework agency spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
102 AHP’s working at the Trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
102 hours spent in a&e (2022/23)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
103 Skin Cancer Treatment Times
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
103 total agency spend for 21/22 and 22/23
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
104 GIDS – Gender reassignment and/or transgender guidance and policies
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
104 total international spend for 21/22 and 22/23
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
105 AMU Discharges
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
105 Staffing system(s) currently in use
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
106 Organisational chart of all the divisional clinical managers/directors, deputies and general managers within the organisation
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
106 Violence policy and trust self-assessment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
107 Minutes and Declarations of Interests (DoI) of Board of Directors
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
107 Number of security staff employed holding an SIA licence and the amount spent on salaries for staff holding a SIA licence
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
107 Weight Management Service
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
108 Agency & Bank Staff Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
108 Number of patients on the waiting list who require a follow up appointment (but are not captured in the RTT pathway
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
109 Number of shifts worked by temporary/locum/bank staff and cost of temporary/locum/bank staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
110 Agency spend for locum doctors
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
111 Clinical Systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
111 Number of patients treated for any disease with a list of drugs and source of funding of botox and anti-CGRP monoclonal antibody treatments (ajovy, aimovig, emgality) for migraine
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
112 Interpretation and Translation Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
113 Contact details for the director of finance, CEO, director of estates and facilities and director of procurement
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
113 Procurement of IT equipment and It department details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
114 Number of staff members made redundant due to ill health by long covid
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
114 Patient information leaflets and e-consent systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
115 Multiple Sclerosis Treatment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
115 NHS rainbow badge project accreditation details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
116 Number of learning disability liaison nurses and whole time equivalent hours
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
116 Theatre Sessions
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
117 Name and contact details for person responsible for catering, vending and beverages
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
117 PIDA Costs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
118 Trust Contacts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
119 Agency Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
119 Staff fuel allowance and spend on hire cars, public transport travel passes and pool cars for staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
120 Job Planning & Appraisals
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
121 Drug Patient Level Contract Monitoring (DrPLCM) & SACT Cancer reports
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
121 Spend on agency and type of roles used
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
122 Total spend on services and goods provided by fire and rescue services between 1st April 2021 and 31st March 2022
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
123 Contact details for senior management
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
124 Contract details for the current patient administration system (PAS)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
124 Individuals arriving at A&E with tooth decay
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
125 Permanent/international recruitment – agencies used, number of staff recruited and total spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
126 Admission Waiting Times
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
126 Name of Trust’s clinical systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
127 Use of single data warehouse, external suppliers for data warehousing and use of software for statutory returns
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
128 Car Park Management
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
128 Number of patients with teeth, gum and other mouth related illness/injuries
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
129 Children suffering from Blood Disorders or Cancer
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
129 Name of Trust’s clinical systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
130 A&E waiting times
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
130 IT systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
131 Referral process for orthopaedic follow up appointments
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
131 Trust Uniforms
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
133 EPRR Exercise Dates
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
133 Number of emergency department attendance for dog attacks and dog related injuries and breakdown of ages of parents
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
134 Data storage – arrangements and contract details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
135 Hospital equipment – end of life process; disposal process and supplier, equipment details current and end of life
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
135 Patient Coding
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
136 Framework details for recruitment of non-clinical Temporary and Fixed Term staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
136 Security team – body armour
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
136 Use of agencies to recruit overseas medical staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
137 Onsite incinerator and back-up generator
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
138 Coagulation testing
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
138 Trust use of agencies
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
139 Agency use of AHP’s
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
139 Net zero jobs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
140 Asbestos removed from Alder Hey site
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
140 Diagnostic tests carried out within the Trust for both point of care testing and laboratory
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
141 Acting Down Policy
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
141 Workforce Management Data
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
142 Reasons for late starts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
143 BSL/SSE interpretation
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
144 Weight loss drugs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
145 Clinical services insourcing and procurement framework
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
146 Migraines
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
146 Provision of Language Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
147 Correspondence Handling Data
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
148 Radiotherapy Treatment Planning System
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
150 Bank & Rostering
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
151 Information regarding ‘care hotels’
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
152 Patients who have had operations cancelled twice
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
152 Smoke free policy for NHS staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
153 Burns Service – Paediatric
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
154 Cancer Treatment using Specified Products
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
156 AHP Agency Use
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
156 Spend on management consulting services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
157 IT Systems and Devices
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
157 Total spend on agency staff for the financial year 22-23
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
158 Managed Print
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
159 NMNC Agency Use
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
160 Car Parking Charges
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
161 Radiology, SARS, Access to Information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
162 Doctors subjected to disciplinary processes
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
162 Information regarding the volumes and spending on outsourced and insourced dermatology, endoscopy and gynaecological procedures
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
163 Physician Associates
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
164 On & Off Framework Nursing Agency Usage
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
165 Alder Hey Legal Team
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
166 Flexible Endoscope Maintenance
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
166 Information relating to EHIC cards.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
167 Contact details for IT, Governance & Risk leads
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
167 Contact details for the recruitment decision makers/hiring line managers for your IT and Technology departments
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
168 Use of nitrous oxide within the Trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
169 Trust policy for Gender Guidance
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
169 Weight Management Service
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
170 Data Breaches
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
170 Number of patients admitted with an eating disorder between Jan 2013 & July 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
171 Details of the Trusts discharge transport
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
173 Royal College reports
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
173 RPA Processes
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
174 Cost Improvement Plans
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
174 Gender and equality training
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
175 Provider Financial Returns
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
176 Details of the Trust’s IT infrastructure
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
176 Trust Agency Spending
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
177 Pharmacy v Radiography Locum Spend 23/24
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
177 Products purchased and used within the Trust containing Chitin Chitosan
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
179 ABI Hospital Beds
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
180 Speech and Language
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
180 Spend for Off Framework Doctors 202223
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
181 Controlled Procedural Document Management System
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
181 Surgical Robots
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
182 Number of Staff Rehired after Retiring and Accessing their Pension under the NHS Re-Employment Scheme
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
182 Physician Associates within Rainbow SARC
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
183 Number of live births, stillbirths and neonatal deaths the trust has recorded in every year between 2013-2022
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
183 Radiology Staffing Details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
184 Commercially Sponsored Clinical Trials
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
184 Decontamination service and agency use
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
185 Digital Capabilities
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
186 Trust Risk Manager Details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
189 Deaths more likely than not caused by problems in care 2022-24
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190 Sunburn Cases
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
191 Spinal Tables in Use at the Trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
192 Estate Managing Maintenance
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
193 Events Relating to Pride Month
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
195 Number of Staff Employed, FOI and SAR Requests 2023-24
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
196 Nursing Spend in 2024
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
197 Virtual Wards – Bed Capacity and Providers
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198 Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) Units
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199 Posology of Enoxaparin
This item has been tagged with the following terms:
200 Implementation of Federated Data Platform (FDP) Procurement of Data Platforms
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
201 E-Signature Vendor Information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
202 Monthly patient data and test results for Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Bacteraemia
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
203 Child Sexual Abuse Charges, Associated Records and Costs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
204 Capital Works Projects
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
204 Spend for junior Doctor’s pay and agency cover
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
205 Agency Agreements for Different Staff Groups
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
207 Respiratory Diagnostic Equipment in use
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
207 Waiting List Information for Reproductive Medicine/ Sub-Fertility
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
208 Details of the Trust’s visa sponsership
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
208 Procurement Department Contact Details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
209 Agency Shifts and Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
209 Spend for on-framework and off-framework recruitment agencies
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
210 RM6281 Workforce Alliance Framework
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
211 Oral Cancer Referrals from January 2017 Onwards
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
211 Spends for Paper, Postage, Printers, Paper Scanners in 2022
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
212 Combined Heat and Power Units (CHP)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
212 Procurement details of agencies and onoff framework spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
213 Finance Software System Details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
213 Visitation Policies
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
214 Maternity Management System and Electronic Patient Record System
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
214 Starvation Ketoacidosis Treatment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
215 Details of Patient Communications
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
215 Numbers of Patients with a Diagnosis of Dravet Syndrome and Lennox-Gasteau Syndrome (LGS) and Associated Treatments
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
216 Correspondence sent to, CC’d to or from the Haemophilia Centre Director
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
216 Information about the Orthotic and Prosthetic Service
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
217 Drug Patient Level Contract Monitoring (DrPLCM) report
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
217 Number purchaed of vascular access devices and technologies used to support their insertion
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
218 Spend for software, details of digital teams and Intergration Engine
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
219 Agency Nursing & International Nursing Recruitment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
219 Never events involving Medical Associate Professionals
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
220 Cyber Security Contact information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
221 Total Cost of Vaping- Related Incidents
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
222 Survey Tools and Contract Information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
223 Diagnosis and Treatment of Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
224 Discharge of patients who may be Homeless
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
224 Spend on Clinical Negligence Claims in the last 5 years
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
225 Implantable Ports and Access Needles
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
225 MCUG or VCUG procedures
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
226 Cyber Security Incidents and Budget
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
227 High Acuity Monitoring
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
227 Speech and Language Therapy Services for Stammering
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
228 PFI project repayments and debt
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
228 Tribunal claims and compensation paid by Trust from 2017-2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
229 Clinical insourcing providers by department
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
229 Software and Contract Information for BACS Payments
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
230 Telecommunications Networks- Telephony, Call Services, Broadband Provider and WAN Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
230 Use of agency staff within physiotherapy
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
232 EDMS System and Contract Details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
232 Mental Health and Crisis services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
233 Friends and Family Test Survey Contract Information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
233 Use of agency staff within occupational therapy
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
234 Gender identity training for staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
234 Staff Role Information for Chief Nursing Information Officer
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
235 ITSM solutions utilised within your organisation since 2010
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
235 Total Sexual Safety Incidents 2022-2024
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
237 EPR System and Supplier Information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
238 Organisational Structure for IT Department
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
238 Technology-enabled virtual wards remote monitoring services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
239 Off-Framework agency use and spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
239 Recent Staff Uniform or Dress Code Policy
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
240 Board Portals for Meeting Documents and Agendas
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
241 Employement of Locum Consultants
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
241 Information and Advice regarding Epiodolex and the addition of THC containing medicines for treatment of epilepsies
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
242 Expenditure over £25,000 May 2024
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
243 Radiology Information System (RIS) Framework Information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
244 Sterile Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
245 Temporary and Permanent Agency Spend and Recruitment Models
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
246 Clinical Software Systems Contract Information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
247 International Recruitment – Roles, Agencies and Framework Information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
249 Off-framework Agency Spend for Nursing and Agency Supplier Information for 2024
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
250 Business Software Systems Contract Information including Telephony, HR, Payroll, Finance and Cyber Security
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
251 IT Budget Information and Capital Resource Plan
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
252 Non Emergency Patient Transport Service (NEPTS) and Pathology Specimen Courier Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
253 Temporary Workforce, Direct Engagement, and Associated Contract Information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
255 Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) and Digital Pathology Solution
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
256 Performance Based Contracts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
257 Temporary Staff Spend, Waiting List Initiatives and Overtime Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
258 International Nurse Recruitment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
258 Workforce Agency Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
259 Staff Employed and Patients Charged as Overseas Visitors
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
260 Direct Engagement Model and Associated Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
261 Wait times for radiology over the past 12 months
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
262 Staff Working Outside the UK
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
262 Wait times for radiology during July 2022
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
263 Locum Doctor Agency Spend- On and Off Framework
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
264 Details and spend of Specialist seating
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
264 Spinal Cord Stimulation Device Purchases in 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
265 Junior/trainee doctor rotas
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
266 Renal Dialysis Capacity
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
266 Temporary Staff Management -Master Vendor, Neutral Vendor and Bank Management
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
268 Complaints received by the HR Department between January 2021 and August 2023 that concern Senior Members of Staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
268 Expenditure Sign Off Processes
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
269 Organisational Chart for your Procurement Department, including Logistics and Warehousing and other associated sub-units of the Procurement and Purchasing function
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
269 Staffing Information 2019-2024
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
270 ADHD and ASD Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
270 Contact details for International Nurse Recruitment within the Trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
271 Longest radiotherapy wait times for each calendar year from 2018 to the present 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
272 Off Framework Agency Use and Spend 2024
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
273 Clinical Systems Contract and Procurement Information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
273 Providers of Bank Staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
274 Details of Subject Access Requests and Freedom of Information Requests received and about the Departments that Process them
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
274 Number of patients with Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) on the Dec 31st, 2022 and June 30th, 2023, and
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
275 Policies Relating to Transgender Patients
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
275Details for Nursing agency usage
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
276 Hospital Parking Pricing Information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
276 Spend on clinical negligence claims over the past 4 years
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
277 Complementary and Alternative Medicine Treatments
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
277 Details of hearing loss diagnosis
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
278 Clinical Temporary Nursing Agency Recruitment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
279 Number of overhead or ceiling track hoists you have installed and number of portable/mobile hoists are available
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
280 Expenditure for mental health provision, healthcare software, dermatology, imaging and medical devices
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
281 Spend on Agency
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
282 Access control maintenance contract information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
282 Senior Management Job Titles and Contacts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
283 Financial spend of agency staff for Nursing, HCAs and Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
283 Spend on Communications and Digital Screens
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
284 Children’s Allergy Admissions
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
284 List of Suppliers who have a Contract with the Trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
285 Occupational Health Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
285 Wayfinding Strategy, Missed Appointments and Complaints regarding Wayfinding
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
286 Community-based Bronchiectasis Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
286 Details of Neurology Workforce
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
287 Private security, number of attacks and nature of incidents
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
287 The Trusts monthly finance report for July 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
288 Use of CCTV
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
289 Contact details for Patients Services Manager
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
289 Contract information for the Software used for Rostering, Scheduling Community Activities and Expense Management
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
290 CAMHS.pdf
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
290 Clinical Photography
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
290 Details of any blinded surgical glove trial undertaken since 2008
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
291 Community Disability Equipment.pdf
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
291 Previous tenders and prices for interpretation services awarded by the Trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
291 Use of IV fluids and PICC central lines
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
292 Motion Picture Licensing Corporation (MPLC)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
292 Nursing agency spend.pdf
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
292 Temporary Agency Staffing in Financial Year 20222023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
293 Gastroenterology Department contacts and Insourcing
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
293 Pharmacy and Prescribing Function
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
293 Theatre Management System.pdf
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
294 Consultants and Waiting List Initiative Payments
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
294 Spend for disciplinary Investigations
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
294 Staff Sickness.pdf
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
295 Disability Support
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
295 Trust Systems Presently in Use
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
296 Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology Post-Mortems and Pathology
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
296 Paediatric Diabetes patients and HbA1C compliance.pdf
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
296 Quality Improvement projects within Urology, Clinical Guidelines within the field of Urology and Clinical Chemistry Clectrolyte Guidelines
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
297 Annual Spend for Specific Suppliers
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
297 Medicines usage by diagnosis in secondary care.pdf
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
297 Wait times for cancer treatment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
298 Call centre and inbound network costing and contract.pdf
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
298 Details of Trust Communication and IT infrastructure and equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
298 Mobile Telephony Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
299 CCTV maintenance and support contract
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
299 Manufacturer and Purchase Information for Devices
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
299 Pathology Lab Information.pdf
This item has been tagged with the following terms:
300 Corporate Governance Structure and Information Regarding Patient Safety Incident Investigations and Framework
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
300 Medical device integration, inter-system interfaces and data repository.pdf
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
300 Number of patients with a primary diagnosis of Uterine Fibroids or Endometriosis
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
301 Number of staff hired in a diversity, equity or inclusion role and spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
301 Technologies used to gather or share information.pdf
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
301 Treatment and Management of Patients with Lupus
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
302 App and tools used for patient communication.pdf
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
302 Details of the Trust’s ICT expenditure.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
302 Diagnostic Tests in Community Diagnostic Hubs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
303 Bariatric Beds and costs.pdf
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
303 Cover for Junior Doctor Strikes
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
303 Nursing Agency Shifts January to August 2024
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
304 Equality and Diversity schemes
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
304 Supplier Selection Under Lot 1 of Workforce Alliance Rm6281
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
305 Dravet Syndrome.pdf
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
305 Off-Framework Usage in the Past 12 Months
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
306 Medical Devices.pdf
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
306 Staffing Information and Fill Rate for Bank or Agency Shifts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
306 Use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
307 Chaplaincy Costs.pdf
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
307 contract regarding business rates mitigation and appeals
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
307 Endoscopy Supplier and Contract Information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
308 Trust Infrastructure including software and databases
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
309 Email encryption and E-signatures Supplier and Contract information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
309 Rota and Rostering suppliers.pdf
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
309 Senior Data Leadership and Data Technology Usage
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
310 Locum Shifts During Strikes
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
310 Patient Level Information Costing System.pdf
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
310 Software System Information for Collection and Management of Patient Observations
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
311 Insourcing / outsourcing
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
311 Key Data on NHS Infrastructure (2019-2024)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
311 The number of oral cancer referrals received by the Trust between January 2017 and 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
312 Details of Trust IT systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
312 General Waste services contracts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
312 Royal College Reviews from April 2020 to Present Day
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
313 Employment tribunal claims and costs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
313 Local Area Network (LAN) supplier and contract information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
314 Laboratory Service Provision
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
314 Outpatient numbers
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
314 Spend on law firms for services related to maternity care or neonatal care
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
315 Contact details for service managers (business/operations)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
315 Expenditure data over £25,000 for January 2016 to March 2017.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
315 Number of full time equivalent staff physician associates, junior-level doctors and consultant doctors.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
316 Clinical Waste Contracts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
316 Procurement of temporary clinical and healthcare staffing
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
316 Training in informed consent for doctors
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
317 Fire Dampers & Smoke Vents
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
318 Nursing Agency Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
319 Assaults against staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
319 Single Session Interventions (SSIs) within CAMHS
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
320 ADHD Assessments
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
320 Electronic Patient Record, Patient Portal and Surgical Operating Notes documentation systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
320 Psychiatry Locum Agency Spend 2021-2024
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
321 Dewi Jones Unit Admissions
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
321 Junior Doctor Rotas and Medics Rostering
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
321 Psychiatry Locum Agency Cascade 2021-2024
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
322 Consultant contracts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
322 psychiatric support discharges
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
322 Theatre Management and Scheduling System
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
323 External Contractor Services and Contract Information/ Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
323 Vehicles currently on your fleet list and all vehicles sold between 14112022 – 05092023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
324 Contact Details for Different Roles within the Organisation
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
324 Number of Cancer Treatments started at each Cancer stage in each of the last five years
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
325 Black Alert
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
325 Number of Nurses recruited directly from Ghana in 2021, 2022 and 2023.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
325 Numbers and Expenditure regarding Botox Treatments
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
326 gifts and hospitality register
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
326 Legal Department Structure
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
326 The Trust’s relationship and misconduct policies
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
327 Pest Control Measures including number of times and cost
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
327 Reprographics and Print Arrangement Contract Details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
327 Spend over £25,000
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
328 Details of the Trust’s PAS, EPR & HER systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
328 Facilities Management Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
328 Procurement details and Use of Thornbury Nursing Services for Agency
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
329 Information regarding Temporary Staff Spend and Waiting List Initiatives and Overtime Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
329 Pharmacists – ethnicity
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
329 Use of Evaluation and Clinical Artificial Intelligence Systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
330 International Nurse Recruitment – contract
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
330 Number of Patient Safety Incidents that resulted in a Severe or Death degree of harm to the patients from 2010 to present
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
330 Total Hospital Bed Numbers and By Type
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
331 2019/2020 Quality Account
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
331 Data on seasonal affective disorder diagnoses for the years 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
332 Agency staffign spend and contact details for recruitment leads
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
332 Referrals, Treatments and Waiting Lists Relating to Mental Health Service
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
333 E-mail Usage Sent and Received
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
333 Energy efficient spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
333 Hospital Translation Policy Information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
334 International Recruitment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
334 MMR Deaths
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
334 Number of Sexual Assaults reported
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
335 Obesity Treatment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
335 Web Filtering Proxy Solution supplier, contract and spend information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
336 Structure Chart for Finance & Accountancy, Procurement and Estates, Facilities and Capital Development
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
336 Tongue-Tie Clinic Data for Past 12 Months
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
337 Outsourced radiology reporting via ‘teleradiology’ companies
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
337 Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
337 Use of External Consultants in 2024
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
338 Details of the Trust’s Mobile Phones contract
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
338 Guidelines regarding Peripheral Arterial Line Placements
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
338 Medicines wastage, medication errors and adverse drug events and pre-filled syringes
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
339 Details of systems used by informatics
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
339 Maintenance to Buildings due to Asbestos
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
340 Electronic Health Record supplier information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
340 Temp nursing staff and 3rd party agencies
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
341 Cyber Essentials
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
341 Equipment purchased between the 1st of January 2020 and the 31st of August 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
342 Current Patient Administration System (PAS)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
342 Sanitary Waste Contract
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
343 Spend over £25,000
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
343 Whistleblowing Cases and Employment Tribunal Litigation
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
344 Acute care provider collaborative
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
344 The Trust’s Welcome to the Hospital leaflet for paediatric patients
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
345 Screening and Immunisation
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
346 Nursing and midwife staff numbers/spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
346 Use and format of Information Asset Register
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
347 Cardiac arrest (myocardial infarction) for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
347 Revenue generated by your Private Patient Unit and what IT systems are in use for PAS and EPR
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
347 Use of intravenous fluid therapy
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
348 Bed Capacity
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
348 NHS Trust Diversity Staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
349 All Trust policies that include information on the checking of medicines when they are being administered to patients, and any associated documents
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
351 Admissions to A&E with symptoms of allergic reaction
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
351 Quality Governance Sub Committee paper and the Care Groups minutes
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
351 Superstitions, beds and wards numbered 13
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
352 Hospital Policy on Reasonable Adjustments for Patients with Disabilities under the Equality Act 2010
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
352 Patient transport service contract
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
352 Spend/Transparency data for over £25,000 for July 2022
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
353 Details of Infection Control Equipment and guidelines
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
353 Gender split consultant anaesthetists
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
353 Theatre management system
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
354 Cyber Security spend and staffing
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
354 Mailroom Service
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
355 Clinical insourcing companies used, contract and spend details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
355 Food waste
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
355 List of employee job titles that contain different phrases related to equality, diversity, inclusion, wellbeing, energy, and sustainability
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
356 Diagnostic tests carried out within the Pathology Laboratory at the Trust over the last calendar year
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
356 Number of times emergency contractors or builders were called in for unplanned maintenance and repair works in 2022.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
356 Policies and guidelines to pregnant otho staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
357 Number of Chief Executive Officers your Trust has had since 2010
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
357 Number of FOIs received from 2022 to date
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
358 Endoscopy Service Insights
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
358 Number of SARs from 2022 to date
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
358 Unlicensed special medicines
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
359 Covid-19 deaths
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
360 Sexual assault numbers 2016 and trust security
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
360 Use of defibrotide for the treatment of Hepatic Veno-occlusive Disease
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
361 Facilities Management
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
361 Number of prescriptions of various drugs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
361 Staff long covid sickness absence
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
362 Managed print
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
362 Outsourced tele-radiology reporting services for routine radiology reporting
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
363 Number of cancelled cancer operations for years 202223, 202122, 202021 and 201920.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
363 Patients treated with teriparatide, oral bisphosphonates and vitamin D
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
363 Use of and maintainence of Endoscopes
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
364 Hard & FM, PFI
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
364 Public Interest Disclosure Act employment dispute costs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
365 Clinical staff who have sustained a workforce musculoskeletal disorder between 2018 and 2022 whilst undertaking patient handling activities
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
365 Number of patients who died whilst on the trusts waiting list to start cancer
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
366 A&E attendances where cocaine or ketamine is recorded
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
366 IT questionnaire
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
366 Medicines carbon footprint reporting
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
367 Number of Procedures Cancelled due to Industrial Action
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
367 Quality Improvement team salary bandings
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
367 Voluteers
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
368 Energy – spend, budget, tariff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
368 Spend on NHS strike cover, over Doctor strike periods
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
369 IT systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
369 Number of Physician Associates and Anaesthesia Associates employed by the Trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
370 Spend on diagnostic equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
371 IT Systems – PAS, EPR, ePrescribing
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
371 Organisational structure chart for the finance department
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
372 Estates department contacts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
372 IT systems – RIS/CRIS, PACS, LIMS
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
373 Insomnia treatment pathways
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
373 Spend – IT
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
374 Electronic Patients Records System and scanned record details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
374 Radiology reporting
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
375 Covid-19 unvaccinated staff, staff absence and healthcare acquired infection
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
375 Details of EPR, integration platform and Strategy and digital planning
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
376 Electronic health record – system, commissioning and interoperability
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
376 Number of cancer operations cancelled in each of the past four financial years
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
377 Telephony, connectivity and network services and contract details (IT)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
377 Trust financial position, workforce expenditure and efficiency savings 2324
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
378 Details, spend and outsourcing for translation and interpretation services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
378 Sterile Services Track and Trace Healthcare Software
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
379 Inventory Management System
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
379 Number of A&E admissions where ‘ketamine’ has been recorded
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
380 Facilities Management Contracts – Lifts and Laundry
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
380 Issues regarding the Trust’s Electronic Patient Records (EPR) or Electronic Medical Records (EMR).
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
381 Covid deaths
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
381 Details of the Trust’s workforce planning
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
382 Information relating to RCA 223 L2 StEIS 2017/3539: unexpected death and extravasation injury in an elective orthopaedic patient
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
382 The Trust’s policy for reporting and recording of sexual safety incidents
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
383 Electronic health record – data linkage and data storage
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
383 Use of electronic patient record system
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
384 Delayed discharges
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
384 Internal Bank Rates for Medical Staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
384 Staff Counselling and Mental Health Support
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
384 Wait lists for cancer diagnostic testing
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
385 Number of patient treated for scurvy and rickets
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
385 Policies for dealing with alcohol and other substance use in employees
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
386 Incidents caused by estates and infrastructure failures which resulted in clinical services being delayed
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
386 Organisational structure charts | Finance, Procurement, Facilities, HR
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
387 Electronic prescribing, penicillamine allergies and electronic prescribing incidents
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
387 NHS staff assaults last 3 years and 01/01/21 to 01/12/21
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
388 Covid-19 deaths for 2020 without pre-existing health conditions
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
388 Details of Stolen medical equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
389 Contracts with private hospitals
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
389 Intranet solution and supplier information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
390 Details of the Trust’s Enterprise Application
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
390 Names and contact information of the individual divisional directors of Surgery
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
390 Volumes of inbound and outbound mail
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
391 Clinical Insourcing Providers and Procedures
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
391 Organisational Structure Charts for General Nursing, Primary Care, Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Psychological Therapies
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
391 Use of external courier firms
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
392 Non Emergency Patient Transport Data
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
393 IT systems and application upgrades over the next year
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
393 Number and usage of mobile phones
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
393 Primary Hip Replacements
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
394 Dermatology Treatments
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
394 Details of the Trust’s IT network
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
395 Contact details for Senior IT staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
395 Incidence and treatment of Haemophilia A
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
396 ENT Consultants and Service Provision
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
396 Patient safety incidents resulting in severe harm or death 2019 to 2020 and 2020 to 2021
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
396 Staff usage of salary sacrifice car scheme
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
397 Data management systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
397 Staffing incidents and pressure sores
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
398 Restricted patient visiting policies
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
398 Treatment and diagnostic criteria changes for Pandas and PANS
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
398 Waiting times for elective surgery
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
399 Organisational Structure Chart for Project/Transformation Team
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
399 Organisational structure chart for project/transformation team
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
399 Sexual assaults resulting in payments by Employment Tribunal
This item has been tagged with the following terms:
400 Long Covid Clinics
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
400 Recruitment of bank staff and pay arrangements
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
400 Supplier and cost of allied health professional agency staffing
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
400 Waste Services Tendering
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
401 Implementation of Bronchiectasis Pathway
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
401 Senior Management contact details and use of analytics
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
401 Treatment of clotting disorders
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
401 Upper Age Limit for Paediatric Referrals to Alder Hey
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
402 Recruitment of Agency staff and Associated Agency Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
402 Treatment of Pectum Excavatum
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
403 Abatement of Asbestos and Associated Expenditure
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
403 Resignation/Leaving of post and reason – Nursing staff 2021
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
403 Trust spend on gift cards and vouchers
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
404 Agencies used for IT temporary workers
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
404 Pathology IT Systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
404 Procedure Numbers in the last 12 months
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
405 Capital spend, budget and forecasts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
405 Trust’s Infrastructure, including aspects of hosting, help desks, and data warehousing
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
406 Agency nursing details and off contract suppliers
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
406 Centralised Patient Administrative Service
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
406 Fleet vehicles
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
406 Locum Nursing Agency Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
407 Details of Trust telephony system, usage of Trust mobile phones and video conferencing solutions
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
407 Healthcare technology management
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
407 Inventory and contracts for diagnostic imaging equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
407 Inventory and contracts for diagnostic imaging equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
407 Inventory and contracts for diagnostic imaging equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
407 Use of CCTV
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
408 Number and usage of Patient Group Directions
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
409 Financial and HR Performance Management and Software Tools
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
409 Spend on diagnostic equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
409 Third-Party Sexual Harassment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
410 Agency hours used for Allied Health Professionals (AHP’s)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
410 Decontamination Track and Trace System
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
410 Third-Party Sexual Harassment Against Catering Staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
411 Agency spend on Estates, Facilities Management and Ancillary Staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
411 Current Prehabilitation Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
411 Information related to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
412 Details of the executive team, Electronic Health Record, Trust networks and the ED department
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
412 Digital Dictation, Speech Recognition, Outsourced Transcription, Online Clinic / Video Consultation, Health Information Systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
412 Lactose Intolerance Medication and Associated Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
413 A&E admissions relating to so-called “injection-spiking”
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
413 Wound dressings
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
414 Information Asset Owner structure
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
414 Training or professional development about being an active bystander in response to sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace context.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
415 Energy consumption
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
415 Staff Network Information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
416 Diversity, equality and inclusion training
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
416 Website Software
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
417 Contact Information and 3rd Party Vendor System Information for Hiring of Agency Staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
417 Purchase and supply of human milk
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
418 Gifts for Nursing Staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
418 Paediatric Antibiotic Guidelines
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
419 Diagnosis and Treatment of Myasthenia Gravis
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
420 Coroners Prevention of Future Death Reports
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
420 Private Contractors
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
420 Spend over £25,000 since August 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
421 Psychiatry Locum Agency Spend 2023/24
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
421 The Trust’s net budget surplus or deficit in each of the last 5 financial years.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
421 Vaccine Wastage Figures
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
422 Inventory Management System and Models for Housekeeping Staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
422 The staff name and email for department leads & execs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
422 Use of training phantoms
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
423 Patient Portal / Patient Access Portal Systems in use
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
423 Patient safety incidents and serious incidents affecting GP communications
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
423 Treatment of Foreign Nationals
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
424 MRI services during 2021
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
424 Occupational Health Services and Employee Assistance Programme
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
424 Spend over £25,000 since August 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
425 Contract Information for IRefer Clinical Decision Support
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
425 Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) replacement service
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
425 NHS staff delayed pay
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
426 Radiology Reporting Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
426 Treatment and diagnostic pathways for patients presenting diagnosed with PANSPANDAS
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
426 Vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE) Prevelance
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
427 Complaints relating to Radiographers
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
427 Funding received from NHS charity and league of friends
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
428 Details of the Trust’s audiology service, ENT and performance
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
428 Patient Discharge Data
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
428 Total Workforce Solutions HealthTrust Europe (HTE) and RM6281 Workforce Alliance Framework Details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
429 Board Composition
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
429 IT Service Desk Requests in 2024
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
429 Patient safety incidents related to medication errors
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
430 Cancelled Operations between 2018 and 2024 for Non Clinical Reasons
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
430 Patient deaths related to the Trust declaring a ‘critical incident’
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
430 Water treatment Equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
431 Number of various devices within the TrustDisclosure log 431
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
431 Surgical Operating Tables
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
431 The Trust’s five most recent ‘serious incident reports’
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
432 Rainbow Themed Road Crossings
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
432 Recording of MDT Minutes
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
433 Any Trust engagement with the OWL Centre
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
433 NHS Payment Schemes Tariff Codes used by Specialty in Insourced Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
433 Number of patients treated for tooth decay
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
434 Accident and emergency delays
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
434 Elective Insourcing Services Expenditure by Specialty
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
434 Synthetic opioid abuse, Illegal dealings, OxyContin/Oxycodone abuse, illegal prescriptions
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
435 Contract Register, Procurement Strategy, and Contact Details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
435 Emergency department assault data
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
435 Number of deaths in accident and emergency
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
436 Dental Nursing Agency Information and Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
436 Drape Usage Report
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
436 Names of individuals in Trust Leadership roles
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
437 Consultant staffing in ENT Department
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
437 Prosthetic and Orthotic Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
437 The use, training and policies regarding translation services and technology
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
438 Contract for Thermometers
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
438 Cost relating to Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) conditions
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
439 Medications prescribed for Psoriasis and Dermatology
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
439 Number of A+E Attendances relating to Semaglutide Usage
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
439 Staff Health and Wellbeing
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
440 Breast Health
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
441 Prescribing of a list of various drugs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
441 Temporary Nursing June- October 2024
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
441 The number of MRI scans performed in 202122
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
442 Inventory Management Systems (IMS)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
442 Number of CT Scans, MRI Scans & X Rays performed in 2022
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
442 Use of Microsoft Power BI
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
443 Mechanical thrombectomy procedures
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
443 Trust/IT(systems)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
444 Contracts/IT(surveys)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
444 Learning and Development- Contact Information and Sustainability Training Details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
444 Religious beliefs training
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
445 EDMS System to store Scanned Medical Records
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
445 Significant/ Never Events and Details of Medical Staffing including Physician Associates
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
445 Trust/IT(systems)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
446 Inventory Management System/ Point of Care Solutions
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
446 Number of staff employed by the Trust with Manager’, ‘Director’ or ‘Executive’ in their title
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
446 Staffing agency
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
446 Staffing Levels in Trauma & Orthopaedics
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
447 Contracts/Radiology
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
447 Permanent Recruitment and Associated Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
447 The trust’s Patient Safety Incident Response Plan
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
449 Allergy Recording in Electronic Patient Records (EPR)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
449 Apprenticeship levy
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
449 Trust-Wide Major Incidents and Critical Incidents
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
449 Waiting list times
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
450 Hybrid Working
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
450 The type and number of tourniquets used for venepuncture and cannulation
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
451 Contracts – plasma equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
451 International Recruitment in 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
451 The use of certain types of drugs used in haematology
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
451 Use of Thornbury Nursing services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
452 Closure of services for maintenance or repair works and estates and infrastructure failures
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
452 ICT contract(s) for Server Hardware Maintenance, Server Virtualisation Licenses and Maintenance and Storage Area Network (SAN) Maintenance/Support 2024 Update
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
452 Out-of-area (OOA) placements and a delayed transfer of care (DTOC) for Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
452 Types of lighting
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
453 Employment details of Physician Associates (PAs)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
453 Staffing roles
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
453 Temporary Staffing Spend 2020-2024- on framework, off framework and bank spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
454 A&E wait times for mental health patients and attendances for dental care
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
454 Software Systems and Expiry Dates- IT, HR, Finance, Clinical
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
455 Brand names for Lifts in use
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
455 Details of department systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
455 Pathway for Blood Testing in Maternity Unit/ Paediatric Unit
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
456 Information related to Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS) within the Trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
456 New biologic and targeted medications within Dermatology and Respiratory medicineHospital Demographics, Medical Equipment Management, Sustainability Practices, Policies and Compliance001 New biologic and targeted medications within Dermatology and Respiratory medicine
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
456 Plastic lamination pouches purchased
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
457 Use of digital tools to manage Musculoskeletal and Pelvic Health
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
458 Capital Projects- New Bedspaces, Theatres or Facilites
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
458 Information about payments made to the firm Topwood Ltd
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
458 Number of patients admitted to A&E with tooth decay or other dental conditions & number resulting in tooth extraction
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
458 Payment/grants to charities and 3rd sector
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
459 How many patients were treated in November 2022 by the dermatology department with the following drugs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
459 Never events
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
459 Number treated in the last 5 years related to complications resulting from hyaluronic acid dermal fillers
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
459 Use of Artificial Intelligence Systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
460 ICU bed numbers, occupancy and covid patients
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
460 Incidence and treatment of Haemophilia A
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
460 Install Base report for Imaging systems & Ultrasound devices
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
460 Retire and Return Requests
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
461 Details and spend for IT infrastructure
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
461 Key Worker Accomodation Information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
462 Information regarding the Trust’s energy management
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
462 Rostering utilisation
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
463 All vehicles owned/leased and sold by the Trust between 01/09/2023 and 31/10/2024.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
463 Myrtle St Asbestos reports
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
463 Translation costs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
463 Use of Aromatherapy
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
464 Diagnostic imaging equipment for Community Diagnostic Centres (CDCs)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
464 Hospital capacity for 15th December 2019 to 15th December 2021
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
464 Incidence and treatment of clotting disorders
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
465 Number of beds, X-ray, MRI & radiotherapy machines
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
465 Off Framework Agency Use
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
466 Covid Vaccinated Staff and Medical Exemptions
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
467 Electronic Patient Record supplier and contract information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
467 Maintenance contract for the Trust’s flexible endoscope inventory
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
467 MRI contrast injectors
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
467 Recruitment of Nurses, Doctors, AHPs & NMNC
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
468 Details of Point of Care committee
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
468 Information regarding vaccinations and outsourcing of vaccinations to third parties.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
468 Maintenance and/or repair of the Trust’s surgical power tool inventory
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
468 Number of AES(Anti-Embolism Stockings) and IPC (Intermittent Pneumatic Compression sleeves) purchased
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
469 Details of the Trusts Decontamination Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
469 Patient correspondence and radiology appointments
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
469 Pharmacy – Gastroenterology
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
470 Continence service/staffing and budget
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
470 Ear, Nose and Throat Medical Devices
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
471 Episodes of Violence
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
471 Number of consultant anaesthetists
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
471 Structure charts for for Estates, Property, CAFM, Finance and Facilities
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
472 HRG codes and related costs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
472 Staff remote working
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
473 Transactions over £25,000 from August 2024
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
473 Use of Midlines and PICCs (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
474 Admissions for malnutrition, rickets, osteomalacia or scurvy
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
474 arrangements and services Alder hay UBH has in place for transition from Paediatrics to adult services for people with epilepsy
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
474 Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) outreach service
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
475 Contact Centre contract details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
475 Private Patient income, suppliers and category of income
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
476 Mortuary Temperature Monitoring
This item has been tagged with the following terms: