As a requirement of being a Foundation Trust, various corporate publications are freely available to download. These include annual reports, equality information and board meeting reports. If you require any publications in an alternative format, please contact us at 0151 228 4811 or speak to the relevant clinical team. To help you find the publication you're looking for, please use the search and filter options available on this page.

Popular patient publications
Showing 508 Publications filtered by Disclosure Log 2023/24
004 Usage of medicines in secondary care
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
005 software for e-consent, school immunisations and waitlist validation
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006 annual spend for a list of suppliers from july 2021 to july 2022
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007 the treatment of haemophilia a
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008 numbers of agency nursing shifts with different suppliers
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009 suppliers and contracts relating to the trust’s digital systems
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010 reduction of emissions through sustainable transport, and more specifically, cycling
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011 chaplaincy service provision
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012 implementation of virtual wards
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013 number of physical assaults on staff, use of restraint and criminal sanctions applied
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014 incidence and treatment of clotting disorders
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015 early access to medicines scheme and compassionate use medicines
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016 off-framework agency use and spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
017 cyber security and network devices
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018 managed print service contract
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019 use of new biologic and targeted medications within dermatology and respiratory medicine
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020 electronic patient record and use in the clinical coding department
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
021 participation in clinical trials
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022 agency use and spend for the last financial year
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023 use of screening before referring patients for adhd assessments
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025 use of dogs for therapeutic or medicinal purposes
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
027 contracts regarding the server hardware maintenance, server virtualisation licenses and maintenance and storage area network (san) maintenance/support
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
028 number of sexual harrassement allegations between 2019 and 2022
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
029 trust statistics on spiking
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030 agency & bank nursing spend
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032 contact details for energy manager, estates manager and procurement manager
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
033 translation and interpretation services and contract information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
034 psychiatric inpatient wards
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035 use of and spend on bariatric equipment
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036 sexual incidents within mental health departments
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
037 the number of cancelled, delayed or missed appointments as a result of british medical association strikes w/c 11th – 15th april
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039 contact details of the clinical ethics committee
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040 it service management (itsm) platform
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041 teleradiology providers and contract information
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044 speech and language therapy service provision
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045 patient entertainment provision
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046 strikes and trusts’ use of the bma rate card
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048 off framework agencies spend and usage
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049 printing service
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050 contact details of the trust medical examiner
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051 post-mortem examinations
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052 serving meat that may contain nitrates or nitrites
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
093 nursing agency spend and hours, both on and off framework
This item has been tagged with the following terms:
102 hours spent in a&e (2022/23)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
103 total agency spend for 21/22 and 22/23
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104 total international spend for 21/22 and 22/23
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
107 Minutes and Declarations of Interests (DoI) of Board of Directors
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
113 Procurement of IT equipment and It department details
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136 Framework details for recruitment of non-clinical Temporary and Fixed Term staff
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140 Asbestos removed from Alder Hey site
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141 Acting Down Policy
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146 Provision of Language Services
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151 Information regarding ‘care hotels’
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152 Patients who have had operations cancelled twice
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156 Spend on management consulting services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
157 Total spend on agency staff for the financial year 22-23
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
162 Information regarding the volumes and spending on outsourced and insourced dermatology, endoscopy and gynaecological procedures
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
166 Information relating to EHIC cards.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
167 Contact details for IT, Governance & Risk leads
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
168 Use of nitrous oxide within the Trust
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169 Trust policy for Gender Guidance
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
170 Number of patients admitted with an eating disorder between Jan 2013 & July 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
171 Details of the Trusts discharge transport
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173 Royal College reports
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
174 Gender and equality training
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176 Details of the Trust’s IT infrastructure
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177 Products purchased and used within the Trust containing Chitin Chitosan
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180 Spend for Off Framework Doctors 202223
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181 Controlled Procedural Document Management System
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
182 Number of Staff Rehired after Retiring and Accessing their Pension under the NHS Re-Employment Scheme
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
183 Number of live births, stillbirths and neonatal deaths the trust has recorded in every year between 2013-2022
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
184 Decontamination service and agency use
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
192 Estate Managing Maintenance
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197 Virtual Wards – Bed Capacity and Providers
This item has been tagged with the following terms:
204 Spend for junior Doctor’s pay and agency cover
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
207 Respiratory Diagnostic Equipment in use
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208 Details of the Trust’s visa sponsership
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
209 Spend for on-framework and off-framework recruitment agencies
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
211 Spends for Paper, Postage, Printers, Paper Scanners in 2022
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
212 Procurement details of agencies and onoff framework spend
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213 Visitation Policies
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
214 Maternity Management System and Electronic Patient Record System
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
215 Details of Patient Communications
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
216 Correspondence sent to, CC’d to or from the Haemophilia Centre Director
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
217 Drug Patient Level Contract Monitoring (DrPLCM) report
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
219 Agency Nursing & International Nursing Recruitment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
224 Discharge of patients who may be Homeless
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
225 Implantable Ports and Access Needles
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
227 Speech and Language Therapy Services for Stammering
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
228 Tribunal claims and compensation paid by Trust from 2017-2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
229 Clinical insourcing providers by department
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
230 Use of agency staff within physiotherapy
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
232 Mental Health and Crisis services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
233 Use of agency staff within occupational therapy
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
234 Gender identity training for staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
235 ITSM solutions utilised within your organisation since 2010
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
238 Technology-enabled virtual wards remote monitoring services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
239 Off-Framework agency use and spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
241 Employement of Locum Consultants
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
258 International Nurse Recruitment
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261 Wait times for radiology over the past 12 months
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
262 Wait times for radiology during July 2022
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
264 Details and spend of Specialist seating
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
266 Renal Dialysis Capacity
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
268 Complaints received by the HR Department between January 2021 and August 2023 that concern Senior Members of Staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
269 Organisational Chart for your Procurement Department, including Logistics and Warehousing and other associated sub-units of the Procurement and Purchasing function
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
270 Contact details for International Nurse Recruitment within the Trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
271 Longest radiotherapy wait times for each calendar year from 2018 to the present 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
273 Providers of Bank Staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
274 Number of patients with Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) on the Dec 31st, 2022 and June 30th, 2023, and
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
275Details for Nursing agency usage
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
276 Spend on clinical negligence claims over the past 4 years
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
277 Details of hearing loss diagnosis
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
282 Senior Management Job Titles and Contacts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
283 Spend on Communications and Digital Screens
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
284 List of Suppliers who have a Contract with the Trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
285 Wayfinding Strategy, Missed Appointments and Complaints regarding Wayfinding
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
286 Details of Neurology Workforce
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
287 The Trusts monthly finance report for July 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
288 Use of CCTV
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
289 Contract information for the Software used for Rostering, Scheduling Community Activities and Expense Management
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
290 Details of any blinded surgical glove trial undertaken since 2008
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
291 Use of IV fluids and PICC central lines
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
292 Temporary Agency Staffing in Financial Year 20222023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
293 Pharmacy and Prescribing Function
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
294 Spend for disciplinary Investigations
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
295 Trust Systems Presently in Use
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
296 Quality Improvement projects within Urology, Clinical Guidelines within the field of Urology and Clinical Chemistry Clectrolyte Guidelines
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
297 Wait times for cancer treatment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
298 Details of Trust Communication and IT infrastructure and equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
299 CCTV maintenance and support contract
This item has been tagged with the following terms:
300 Number of patients with a primary diagnosis of Uterine Fibroids or Endometriosis
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
301 Number of staff hired in a diversity, equity or inclusion role and spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
302 Details of the Trust’s ICT expenditure.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
303 Cover for Junior Doctor Strikes
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
304 Equality and Diversity schemes
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
305 Off-Framework Usage in the Past 12 Months
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
306 Use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
307 contract regarding business rates mitigation and appeals
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
309 Email encryption and E-signatures Supplier and Contract information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
310 Locum Shifts During Strikes
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
311 The number of oral cancer referrals received by the Trust between January 2017 and 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
312 Details of Trust IT systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
313 Employment tribunal claims and costs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
314 Laboratory Service Provision
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
315 Expenditure data over £25,000 for January 2016 to March 2017.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
316 Training in informed consent for doctors
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
320 Electronic Patient Record, Patient Portal and Surgical Operating Notes documentation systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
321 Junior Doctor Rotas and Medics Rostering
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
322 Consultant contracts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
323 Vehicles currently on your fleet list and all vehicles sold between 14112022 – 05092023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
324 Number of Cancer Treatments started at each Cancer stage in each of the last five years
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
325 Number of Nurses recruited directly from Ghana in 2021, 2022 and 2023.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
326 The Trust’s relationship and misconduct policies
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
327 Pest Control Measures including number of times and cost
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
328 Details of the Trust’s PAS, EPR & HER systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
329 Information regarding Temporary Staff Spend and Waiting List Initiatives and Overtime Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
330 Number of Patient Safety Incidents that resulted in a Severe or Death degree of harm to the patients from 2010 to present
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
332 Agency staffign spend and contact details for recruitment leads
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
333 E-mail Usage Sent and Received
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
334 Number of Sexual Assaults reported
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
335 Web Filtering Proxy Solution supplier, contract and spend information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
336 Structure Chart for Finance & Accountancy, Procurement and Estates, Facilities and Capital Development
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
337 Outsourced radiology reporting via ‘teleradiology’ companies
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
338 Details of the Trust’s Mobile Phones contract
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
339 Details of systems used by informatics
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
340 Electronic Health Record supplier information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
341 Equipment purchased between the 1st of January 2020 and the 31st of August 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
342 Sanitary Waste Contract
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
343 Whistleblowing Cases and Employment Tribunal Litigation
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
344 The Trust’s Welcome to the Hospital leaflet for paediatric patients
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
345 Screening and Immunisation
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
347 Revenue generated by your Private Patient Unit and what IT systems are in use for PAS and EPR
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
348 NHS Trust Diversity Staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
349 All Trust policies that include information on the checking of medicines when they are being administered to patients, and any associated documents
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
351 Admissions to A&E with symptoms of allergic reaction
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
352 Hospital Policy on Reasonable Adjustments for Patients with Disabilities under the Equality Act 2010
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
353 Details of Infection Control Equipment and guidelines
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
354 Cyber Security spend and staffing
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
356 Number of times emergency contractors or builders were called in for unplanned maintenance and repair works in 2022.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
357 Number of Chief Executive Officers your Trust has had since 2010
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
358 Endoscopy Service Insights
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
361 Facilities Management
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
363 Number of cancelled cancer operations for years 202223, 202122, 202021 and 201920.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
364 Public Interest Disclosure Act employment dispute costs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
365 Number of patients who died whilst on the trusts waiting list to start cancer
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
366 A&E attendances where cocaine or ketamine is recorded
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
367 Number of Procedures Cancelled due to Industrial Action
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
368 Spend on NHS strike cover, over Doctor strike periods
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
369 Number of Physician Associates and Anaesthesia Associates employed by the Trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
370 Spend on diagnostic equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
371 Organisational structure chart for the finance department
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
372 Estates department contacts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
373 Insomnia treatment pathways
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
374 Electronic Patients Records System and scanned record details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
375 Details of EPR, integration platform and Strategy and digital planning
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
376 Number of cancer operations cancelled in each of the past four financial years
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
378 Details, spend and outsourcing for translation and interpretation services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
379 Number of A&E admissions where ‘ketamine’ has been recorded
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
381 Details of the Trust’s workforce planning
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
382 The Trust’s policy for reporting and recording of sexual safety incidents
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
383 Use of electronic patient record system
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
384 Wait lists for cancer diagnostic testing
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
385 Number of patient treated for scurvy and rickets
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
386 Incidents caused by estates and infrastructure failures which resulted in clinical services being delayed
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
387 Electronic prescribing, penicillamine allergies and electronic prescribing incidents
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
388 Details of Stolen medical equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
389 Contracts with private hospitals
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
390 Details of the Trust’s Enterprise Application
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
391 Organisational Structure Charts for General Nursing, Primary Care, Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Psychological Therapies
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
392 Non Emergency Patient Transport Data
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
393 IT systems and application upgrades over the next year
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
394 Details of the Trust’s IT network
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
396 Staff usage of salary sacrifice car scheme
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
399 Sexual assaults resulting in payments by Employment Tribunal
This item has been tagged with the following terms:
401 Implementation of Bronchiectasis Pathway
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
403 Trust spend on gift cards and vouchers
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
404 Agencies used for IT temporary workers
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
405 Capital spend, budget and forecasts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
406 Centralised Patient Administrative Service
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
407 Inventory and contracts for diagnostic imaging equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
408 Number and usage of Patient Group Directions
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
409 Spend on diagnostic equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
410 Agency hours used for Allied Health Professionals (AHP’s)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
412 Details of the executive team, Electronic Health Record, Trust networks and the ED department
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
416 Diversity, equality and inclusion training
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
423 Patient safety incidents and serious incidents affecting GP communications
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
427 Funding received from NHS charity and league of friends
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
428 Details of the Trust’s audiology service, ENT and performance
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
429 Patient safety incidents related to medication errors
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
430 Patient deaths related to the Trust declaring a ‘critical incident’
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
431 The Trust’s five most recent ‘serious incident reports’
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
433 Number of patients treated for tooth decay
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
434 Accident and emergency delays
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
435 Number of deaths in accident and emergency
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
436 Drape Usage Report
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
437 The use, training and policies regarding translation services and technology
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
438 Cost relating to Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) conditions
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
439 Staff Health and Wellbeing
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
440 Breast Health
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
441 The number of MRI scans performed in 202122
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
442 Number of CT Scans, MRI Scans & X Rays performed in 2022
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
443 Mechanical thrombectomy procedures
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
444 Religious beliefs training
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
445 EDMS System to store Scanned Medical Records
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
446 Number of staff employed by the Trust with Manager’, ‘Director’ or ‘Executive’ in their title
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
447 The trust’s Patient Safety Incident Response Plan
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
449 Apprenticeship levy
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
450 The type and number of tourniquets used for venepuncture and cannulation
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
451 Use of Thornbury Nursing services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
452 Out-of-area (OOA) placements and a delayed transfer of care (DTOC) for Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
453 Employment details of Physician Associates (PAs)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
454 A&E wait times for mental health patients and attendances for dental care
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
455 Brand names for Lifts in use
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
457 Use of digital tools to manage Musculoskeletal and Pelvic Health
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
458 Number of patients admitted to A&E with tooth decay or other dental conditions & number resulting in tooth extraction
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
459 Number treated in the last 5 years related to complications resulting from hyaluronic acid dermal fillers
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
460 Install Base report for Imaging systems & Ultrasound devices
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
461 Details and spend for IT infrastructure
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
462 Rostering utilisation
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
463 Translation costs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
464 Diagnostic imaging equipment for Community Diagnostic Centres (CDCs)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
467 Recruitment of Nurses, Doctors, AHPs & NMNC
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
468 Number of AES(Anti-Embolism Stockings) and IPC (Intermittent Pneumatic Compression sleeves) purchased
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
469 Details of the Trusts Decontamination Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
470 Ear, Nose and Throat Medical Devices
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
471 Structure charts for for Estates, Property, CAFM, Finance and Facilities
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
472 Staff remote working
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
473 Use of Midlines and PICCs (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
474 Admissions for malnutrition, rickets, osteomalacia or scurvy
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
476 Mortuary Temperature Monitoring
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
477 Cost of TIE environment support contract
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
478 Spend for posters paid for by the trust in the last 3 financial years
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
479 Number of nurses employed by the trust on long term sick leave
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
480 Paediatric falls
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
481 Gender option on patient forms
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
483 Patient Initiated Digital Mutual Aid System (PIDMAS)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
484 Venous Thromboembolic Disease
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
486 Procurement of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy locums
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
487 Radiation dose recording and management in radiology
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
488 Clinical Incident Data by Clinician Grade
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
489 Trust spend on unlicensed medication
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
490 Number of patients who have died whilst on NHS waiting lists
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
491 Consultant workforce for your major trauma ED
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
492 ICT contract(s) for Server Hardware Maintenance, Server Virtualisation Licenses and Maintenance and Storage Area Network (SAN) Maintenance Support
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
493 Assault with a sharp object
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
494 Digital electronic tools to manage operational activity in line with Operational Pressures Escalation Levels (OPEL) Framework 202324
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
495 Asylum Seeker NHS Debt
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
496 Number of A+E self-discharges
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
497 Policy & Procedure Management
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
498 In-Patient Fall Prevention Solutions Used
This item has been tagged with the following terms:
502 Speech and Language Therapy waiting lists
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
503 Screening for and treating congenital cytomeglovirus (cCMV)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
504 Electronic Patient Record (EPR) solution and Medical Device Integration (MDI) solution Information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
505 Tier 3 weight management services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
506 Number of inpatient wards and number of beds
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
507 Spend for external Law Firms
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
508 Management of Corporate Property and Asset Information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
509 Number of employee SAR requests
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
510 Research funding from GW Pharmaceuticals
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
511 Treatment with specified diagnoses codes
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
513 Citizenship of staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
514 Correspondence from Stonewall or/and other diversity equality and inclusion organisations
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
514 Correspondence from Stonewall orand other diversity equality and inclusion organisations
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
515 Fleet vehicles
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
516 Staffing System Providers
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
517 IT Contact details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
518 Zero hours contracts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
519 List of continuous renal replacement therapy or haemofiltration devices used in Critical Care
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
520 NHS safe house patients
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
521 Facilities and support for doctors for health and wellbeing, caring responsiblities and faith
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
522 Funds attributed to the Better Care Fund.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
523 Patient treatment programmes for patients with eating disorders
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
525 The trust’s incident reports of the last 5 years in community and general paediatrics, general surgery, obesitycrew and rainbow- SARC
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
526 Age, number and funding method of MRI and CT scanners at the Trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
528 Translation, interpretation, and language service spend.
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
529 Procurement of unlicensed medication
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
530 Number of beds and number of pharmacy technician WTE
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
532 Clinical Waste Contracts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
533 Details of the Trust’s ICT testing practices
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
535 Waiting times and on-going care in outpatient system for patients with asthma
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
536 Treatment of fungal infections with listed drugs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
537 Reports of pests on Trust Property and spend on pest control
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
538 Car parking fees and information on parking charge notices
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
539 Utilisation of nursing agencies across the Trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
540 Treating Patients with sodium nitrate poisoning
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
541 Workforce contracts, suppliers, activity and spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
542 Ambulatory electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) recording
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
543 Spend paid to ‘The Guide Liverpool LTD’ marketing, videography, or presenting work over the last 3 years
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
544 Assault attendances to Emergency Department 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
545 Workplace Conduct
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
546 Staffing of Emergency Medicine Department
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
547 On & Off Framework Nursing agency usage
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
548 Telephone Maintenance
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
549 Remote monitoring virtual wards
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
550 Number of staff attended Las Vegas Cloudworld event 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
551 Blood Contamination
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
552 Translation and Interpretation Costs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
553 Spend for clinical insourcing services 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
554 Directors in Medicine and Surgery
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
555 Agency Workforce contacts (Jan-Dec 2023)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
557 FGM in England and Wales
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
558 Agency Workforce Spend January 23 -December 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
558 Agency Workforce Spend January 23 -December 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
559 NHS Framework and agency spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
560 Number of CT and MRI machines
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
561 Strike derogations
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
562 Waiting Lists and Responsible Parties
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
564 Translation and Interpreting Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
565 Quality Improvement within the Trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
567 Clinical Waste Contract
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
568 Communication, IT infrastructure and equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
569 Diagnostic ultrasound equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
570 Number of reported nurse assaults
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
571 Contracts for transport, mental health, High Dependency & Renal Dialysis
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
572 Ophthalmology contracts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
573 Pharmacy, Prescribing and medicines strategy
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
574 NHS Staff Training – ASD/LD
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
575 Names and contract details of systems used
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
579 Number of Amputations
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
579 Number of Amputations
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
580 Number of Physicians Associates employed by the Trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
581 Drug Patient Level Contract Monitoring (DrPLCM) report
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
581 Drug Patient Level Contract Monitoring (DrPLCM) report
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
582 Gas and electricity contracts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
584 Contact details for the Staff bank responsible for recruiting AHP/HSS staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
585 24 hour waits at A&E across 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
586 Ophthalmology Service – Optical Biometry
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
587 Employment of Locally-Employed Doctors
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
589 Ophthalmology equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
590 Number of physical assaults against hospital staff
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
592 major and/or critical incident declared by the Trust for the past 5 years
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
593 Spend for education and training
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
595 Systems used in Ophthalmology
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
596 Contacts and spend for IT
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
597 Cost of treating botched non-surgical procedures
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
598 Consultant doctors headcount/FTE
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
599 Physician Associates roles
This item has been tagged with the following terms:
600 Spend for education and training
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
601 Mental Health Deaths
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
602 Elimination of Pathogens from the Air
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
603 Compliance for Freedom of Information Request
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
604 Gynaecology Waiting Lists
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
605 Pathology IT systems and Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
606 Bank and agency details and spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
606 Pathology courier systems suppliers and contract details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
606 Pathology courier systems suppliers and contract details
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
607 Spend for agency on-framework’ and ‘off-framework’
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
608 Details of PACS and RIS system
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
609 Use of printers
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
610 Learning disability liaison services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
611 Number of sexual assaults
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
612 Number of Ukrainian nationals referred to mental health services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
613 ADHD wait times
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
615 Contacts for lead roles in Audiology, Ophthalmology and Dermatology
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
616 Liver enzymes data
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
617 Number of staff physically and sexually assaulted in the last three years
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
618 Organisational chart and spend for recruitment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
619 Employment and the menopause
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
620 Number of staff who have faced misconduct or gross misconduct
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
621 How many patients have been treated with listed drugs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
622 IT infrastructure and data storage systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
623 Food Hygiene inspection results/reports
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
624 Opthamology Services – wet AMD Injections/Clinics
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
625 Associate Staffing
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
626 Joint Infection Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
627 FGM
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
628 Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
629 cancelled children’s surgical procedures
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
630 Pathology Network and Systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
631 Microsoft Software Assets – audits and licensing
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
632 Staffing levels on days where no industrial action has taken place
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
633 Medical Equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
636 Prescription CBPMs
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
637 Permit to Work in the NHS
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
638 Cleaning Audits
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
640 Temporary Agency Staffing in 2023
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
641 Patient Portal Supplier
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
642 Junior Doctors sick leave
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
643 Breakdown of the Trust commercial income for previous 4 years
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
644 Number of procedures cancelled by defective diagnostic equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
646 Number of incidents resulting in a building or area being closed
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
647 Appointment Booking
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
647 Medical Records – Paper
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
648 NICE Quality Standard 204 on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
649 Off framework Nursing Agency Shifts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
650 ADHD Assessments
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
652 Medical Emergency Response
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
653 Number of Nurse and Midwife Referrals to the Nursing and Midwifery Council
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
654 IT infrastructure and data storage systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
655 Data for NHS Waste Management Net Zero Agenda
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
656 Use of Clinical Insourcing Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
657 Neuro – Dravet Syndrome (DS) & Lennox Gasteau Syndrome (LGS)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
658 A&E long stays
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
659 Agency Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
659 Agency Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
660 DNA Rates
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
661 Latex Allergies
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
662 Cancer Treatment Wait Times
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
663 Policies and procedures – maintenance and compliance
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
664 On the day cancellations data
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
665 Structure of Digital, Data and Technology Departments
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
666 Clinical Systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
668 Business Intelligence and Clinical systems functions
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
670 Unconscious bias training
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
671 Workforce and nursing intake
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
672 Clinical Homecare
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
673 NHS Car Parking
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
674 Missed Appointments
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
676 net zero and decarbonisation targets progress
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
677 Community Equipment Services – pressure area care provision
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
679 Clinical In-sourcing providers
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
680 Disciplinaries
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
681 Cancer Funding
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
682 PAs and prescribing / ionising radiation
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
683 Undergraduate Medical Education Funding
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
684 complex home care packages
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
685 Procedures performed by physician associates
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
686 LLP, wholly owned subsidiary, PFI
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
688 The use of MFDs (Multifunctional Devices) and/or Managed Print Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
689 Number of patients who died in 2023 waiting for planned care
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
690 Bank & agency spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
691 Avoidable Mortality
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
692 EPR/PAS systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
695 Physician Associate/Anaesthesia Associate
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
696 Cost of Processing Freedom of Information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
697 Property assets
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
698 Hospital food spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
699 Provision of substance misuse services
This item has been tagged with the following terms:
700 Number of staff accessing NHS Intranet
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
701 Melanoma Cancer Care Protocols
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
702 Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS) referrals, diagnosis and management
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
703 Facilities Time for employees
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
704 Outsourced Radiology Reporting services and diagnostic radiology workforce information
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
705 Non-Public Wait Lists
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
706 Pathology Laboratory analytical devices and equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
707 Agency shifts from 1st January 2024 until 1st March 2024
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
710 Details of the use of Radiology Information System (RIS) software
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
711 Data warehouse and healthcare data exchange methods
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
712 IT Systems
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
713 Agency Supply & Ethical Business Practices
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
714 Speech and Language Therapy
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
716 Ophthalmology Waiting Times
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
719 Agency Spend
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
720 Cost Improvement Programmes (CIP)
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
721 Endoscopes
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
722 Sterile Services & Decontamination
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
724 Social Media Management Platforms and Tools
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
725 On and Off Framework agency utilisation
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
726 Cashiers/General office
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
727 Cyber Security
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
728 MRI Equipment
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
729 Patient misidentification incidents
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
730 Trust leadership team names
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
731 CAMHS referral wait times
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
732 Property Surveying Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
733 On & Off Framework Nursing agency usage
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
734 Emergency Medicine Departments
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
735 Outsourced Teleradiology Reporting Contracts
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
736 Information on software used for estates and facilities management
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
737 Operational Theatre Technology Enquiry
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
738 Radiology volume of scans, outsourcing and types of scans being outsourced
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
739 Reported incidents of racism/racist abuse
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
740 National Contractor Framework
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
741 Long Covid Services
This item has been tagged with the following terms: -
742 Service Pathways – Tic Disorders
This item has been tagged with the following terms:
Number of hospital beds within the Trust
This item has been tagged with the following terms: