This dedicated Community-based service provides a timely access to multi-disciplinary assessment and intervention to children and young-people from across Liverpool and Sefton up to the age of 18.
Meet The Team
There is a number of difference clinicians involved in our team. The team is made up of; Service Lead, Consultant Psychiatry, Consultant Paediatricians, Clinical Psychologists working alongside an array of staff including dieticians, nurses, therapist and a support workers.
We accept self-referrals and referrals made by professionals. A referral to the service can be made by using the online platform.
Additionally, GP Referrals can be accessed through EMIS, Please email any referrals to [email protected]
Please note – we do not currently operate on Choose and Book.
Referral triage process
Once a referral is received, this will be reviewed by the clinical team and triaged as appropriate. We aim to see all urgent cases within 7 days of referral and routine cases within 28 days of the date of referral if accepted.
Contact Us
If you have any queries, please contact our Administrator on 0151 282 4911 who will then deal with and redirect the call as appropriate.
If you are concerned about a young person, please contact the NHS 111 Crisis Care line.
Email us at [email protected]. Please be aware this is a non-urgent mailbox.
Our main base is the Catkin Building in Alder Hey, although we do offer appointments at other locations such as Burlington House, Southport Hub and in the family’s home.
You can see a little more of our Catkin base on the below video: