Ophthalmology Department
Information for children and young people
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Why do I need to use atropine eye drops?
You have two eyes.
But sometimes one eye is not as strong as the other so this eye needs extra help to see better.
You might need to wear glasses.
You may also need to have an eye drop in one eye to make that eye blurry, this will make the other eye work harder.
How long will I have to use the eye drops for?
When you play the pictures or letter game with the Orthoptist they will tell you. You will not have to have eye drops forever! Just until your eye gets stronger.
Will my eye drop hurt?
They feel cold when they go in but if you count to 10 it will feel better.
If you are a little worried about your eye drop being put in, your mum, dad or carer can put it in while you are asleep at night.
What will my eye drop do to my eye?
- Make the black part of your eye (pupil) very big.
- Make things look a bit blurry.
- Your eye might stay blurry for a few days.
About my eye drop
- Only let a grown up put in your eye drop.
- Your eye drop will be put in one eye. If you wear glasses you will put them on as well.
- Be careful when you are playing after you have had your eye drop put in because your vision will be blurry.
What can I do with my eye drop in?
You can have fun with your eye drop in!
You can do all the things you would normally do like:
- Read a story
- Colouring in
- Play on your tablet
- Anything you like as long as it is safe
This leaflet only gives general information. You must always discuss the individual treatment of your child with the appropriate member of staff. Do not rely on this leaflet alone for information about your child’s treatment.
This information can be made available in other languages and formats if requested.
PIAG: 231