Anaesthetic Pre-Op Service
Anaesthetic_Pre-Operative_Service_Consultant_Led_Clinic_Appointment_Leaflet_PIAG_182 (414kB pdf)
This leaflet aims to provide you with information about the Anaesthetic pre-op clinic and what to expect when you and your child attend. An appointment at this clinic is for both you and the team to discuss your child’s planned admission before their surgery date.
What will happen at this Pre- Op Clinic appointment?
The Pre-Op Nurse will meet you and your child and will record your child’s medical history and any other information needed before your child is admitted to hospital. You will be asked about any medicines your child takes regularly, for example inhalers, creams, eye drops etc. The nurse will take your child’s blood pressure, measure their height and record their weight.
You will be offered information in regards to investigations / blood tests etc that your child may need before and after the operation. The nurse will also provide you with leaflets about preparation for surgery, the specific operation and information about the anaesthetic process.
We can also start making plans for your child’s recovery so that if you need any equipment or supplies, these can be arranged beforehand
How long will the Pre- Op clinic appointment last?
The appointment could take up to 60 minutes. To avoid any delays on the day of operation / procedure and reduce the risk of cancellation your child may need to attend other departments for further investigations. Please allow up to three hours for your visit.
What further tests and investigations may my child need?
Your child may require tests / investigations in other areas of our hospital for example:
• Blood tests
• MRSA Screening
• X-Ray
• Ultrasound
• ECG/ Echocardiogram
Where do we need to go for our appointment?
The Pre-Op Clinic takes place within the outpatients department at Alder Hey Hospital. On arrival please report to the self-check in screens located within the main atrium on the ground floor. Once you have completed the self-check in you will then be directed to the specific area within out-patients where your appointment will take place.
What do I need to bring with me?
As well as any medication that your child is currently taking including inhalers please bring your child’s red book. If your child is under different specialities at hospitals other than Alder Hey, please bring copies of the most recent clinic letters.
What should we do if we cannot attend the appointment?
If the appointment date or time is not convenient, please contact the Pre-Op Service on
0151 252 5845 and another appointment will be arranged.
Please note: If you do not attend the Pre-Op Clinic appointment your child’s admission could be delayed or even cancelled.
If my child is worried about being admitted can you offer help?
Yes, we can arrange for a play specialist or other members of the team to help prepare your child for their admission.
Car Parking
There is a multi-storey car park located at the East Prescot Road entrance. There is no longer a ticketing system in place. A token will be provided on entrance to the car park and payment can be made at the designated pay machine located in the main atrium near to the entrance of the car park.
This leaflet only gives general information. You must always discuss the individual treatment of your child with the appropriate member of staff. Do not rely on this leaflet alone for information about your child’s treatment.
This information can be made available in other languages and formats if requested.
PIAG: 182