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Admission to hospital under craniofacial PIAG 506
Surgery Date
- This booklet has been written to help you prepare for what will happen over the next few weeks before your child’s operation.
- The timing of your child’s operation will depend on the diagnosis and his/her age, your surgeon should have given you a rough idea of when this will be.
- Once a surgery date has been allocated for your child. The nurse specialists will contact you to arrange a pre op day. This is usually 3-5 days prior to surgery. The anaesthetic pre op triage team will be in touch to complete an assessment over the phone for your child. If your child is under more than one specialty locally or at Alder Hey, you may be required to attend an anaesthetic lead clinic for your child to be assessed face to face.
- The anaesthetic pre op triage team will be in touch to complete an assessment over the phone for your child. If your child is under more than one specialty locally or at Alder Hey, you may be required to attend an anaesthetic lead clinic for your child to be assessed face to face.
Pre Op Date
- Attending pre op is mandatory, this may mean it is an additional journey to the hospital prior to surgery date. Investigations needed on this day include; blood tests, 3D photographs, anaesthetic review, informed consent, clinical exam and medical history taking.
- Investigations needed on this day include; blood tests, 3D photographs, anaesthetic review, informed consent, clinical exam and medical history taking.
Getting Ready
- Clothing – it is advised to bring comfy and loose clothing.
- Comforter – If already used, we recommended to bring to give a sense of security for your child with something familiar from home.
- Toiletries/Bedding – Bedding can be provided. Please bring everyday items you would normally use at home.
- Feeding – Sterilizing and expressing facilities available on the ward.
Ronald McDonald House
- There is the facility of Ronald McDonald house where parents can stay whilst your child is in hospital. This is located on the hospital grounds.
- Ronald McDonald is a facility provided by a charitable trust and rooms are provided based on circumstances and duration of admission.
- A referral can be made once your child has been admitted.
- Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee availability of a room within Ronald McDonald house.
Accommodation nearby
Premier Inn, Queens Drive, L13 0DL
Premier Inn (Roby), Roby Road, L36 4HD
Travelodge, 502 Queens Drive, L13 0AS
- There is a multi-storey Car Park on site. Accessed by East Prescot Road.
- Visitors can pay for parking before exiting in the Atrium.
- Treetops restaurant is the main hospital restaurant on the ground floor;
Monday to Friday
Breakfast served 7.30am to 10.30am
Lunch/afternoon service 11.45am to 6.45pm
Breakfast 8am to10.30am
Lunch/afternoon service 11.45am to 6pm
A selection of hot and cod beverages, sandwiches and snacks are available from 7.30am to 7pm.
- WHSmiths
Monday to Friday: 7am to 8pm
Saturday: 9am to 6pm
Sunday: 8am to 6pm
- Costa Coffee
Monday to Friday: 7am to 6pm
Saturday: 9am to 5pm
Sunday: 8am to 4pm
Ward 4A
- Contact Number – 0151 282 4490 / 4492
- Your child will be admitted to Ward 4A, which has a total of 32 beds. 16 neurosurgical beds and 16 specialist surgery beds. This also includes 6 high dependency bed.
- Ward 4A cares for children from birth to their late teens.
- Craniofacial cases are usually nursed in the high dependency bay area post operatively.
- The ward has many staff members who may care for your child, these include: Nursing sister/Charge nurse – Navy blue tunic Staff nurse – Royal blue tunic Assistant Practitioner – Pale blue tunic Health care assistant – White tunic Student nurse – Grey tunic Play specialist – Lilac tunic Housekeeper – Black tunic Clinical Nurse Specialists – Purple tunic
- A free and confidential service provided by the Trust. PALS office is on the ground floor of the hospital.
- Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided for your child. There is a chef based on the ward and a menu to order from.
- Please keep visitors to a minimum during mealtimes
- Baby milk can also be provided. Please bring at least 24 hours of feeds in case the milk kitchen is closed when you are admitted.
- Breakfast 0800 – 0900 (cereal, toast, juice, milk etc)
- Lunch 1145 – 1245 (cooked fresh by on ward chef)
- Dinner 1630 – 1730 (cooked fresh by on ward chef)
- If your child has a special diet for religious obligations or medical needs the ward can cater for this and offer alternatives. Please inform ward staff of dietary needs.
- There is a parents kitchen located in yellow pod, this includes a fridge, hot kettle tap and microwave to prepare food.
- We operate an open-door policy for parents/carers, visiting at any time during the day.
- ONE parent is welcome to stay overnight.
- Other visitors can visit between 2:30pm – 7:30pm.
- Please keep visitors to a minimum as space around the bed side is limited.
- 4 visitors are allowed at any one time in the main ward area and 2 visitors in the high dependency area.
- Please supervise siblings and visiting children at all times.
- Upon leaving and entering the ward, please use the hygiene gels provided.
Ward Safety
- Hot drinks must have lids on if brought or made on the ward.
- Keep the bedside clutter free and belongings to a minimum, staff need easy access to the patient at all times, in particular in an emergency. There are small lockers/cupboards at the beside to keep some belongings in.
- Specialist equipment is for the use of staff only. Please do not touch or silence alarms.
- There is a playroom located on the ward in yellow pod, for use of patients and siblings. We ask to always supervise children, be respectful of toys and leave the area tidy.
- Our play specialist can also help provide activities/toys for your child.
- The Sanctuary is located on the 2nd floor. This facility is available for all religious denominations.
This leaflet only gives general information. You must always discuss the individual treatment of your child with the appropriate member of staff. Do not rely on this leaflet alone for information about your child’s treatment.
This information can be made available in other languages and formats if requested.
PIAG: 506