Our commitment to be green
“Children have the right to good quality healthcare – the best healthcare possible – to safe drinking water, nutritious food, a clean and safe environment, and information to help them stay healthy. Rich countries should help poorer countries achieve this”
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Our Alder Hey in the Park campus is being developed to act as a catalyst for improving the health and wellbeing of our children, young people, families, staff, and surrounding communities.
We are committed to ‘being green’ and placing this at the heart of everything we do.
We want to play our part in tackling climate change and will implement plans to reduce our carbon footprint, enable more green travel options and reduce waste. We will ensure a clinical focus on quality of life, supporting campaigns around air pollution and contributing to the city’s Public Health agenda giving our children, young people, families, and staff opportunities to make healthy choices and have the very best chances in life.
Following Board approval for the implementation of a Green Plan for Alder Hey we are developing this work through a number of initial workstreams: travel; waste (especially clinical); energy and procurement. We have formed a clinically focused Green Steering Group to oversee the implementation and to embed a focus on health, science, and inequalities into our Plan.
As we progress the Plan we will develop a full plan, in line with overall NHS goals, to be net carbon zero, and to fully embed a green culture into every part of our work.
To enable us to deliver the pathway to net zero we will include future workstream including:
- Estates and facilities
- Food and catering
- Supply chain
- Medicines
- Research and innovation
- Sustainable models of care
- Workforce, networks and system leadership
- Funding and financial mechanisms
- Communication, culture and engagement
- Date and monitoring