Advice following Emergency Department attendance
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Your child has been referred to the ‘Earlybird’ clinic to be seen by the Plastics team. This is likely due to having a small injury or burn that may need closure or looking at further.
Your child must not eat anything from midnight on the night before their surgery.
They can have clear fluids to drink (not milk) until 5am, and then after that they must have nothing to eat or drink until they are seen.
Pain relief medicine may be given as per manufacturers instructions at home.
Where to go and when?
Please bring your child to the Outpatients (reception) [near Costa Coffee] for 730am (MON to FRI) or to the Emergency Department 8am (SAT and SUN).
Further information including a map of the hospital and where to go can be found at th Emergency Department Reception.
Your child will be reviewed by a senior plastics doctor who will decide if they need to go to theatre for a procedure
How long will it take?
You may have to wait in the department or hospital for a period of time so it would be a good idea to bring things to amuse your child (and yourself) during that time.
This leaflet only gives general information. You must always discuss the individual treatment of your child with the appropriate member of staff. Do not rely on this leaflet alone for information about your child’s treatment.
This information can be made available in other languages and formats if requested.
PIAG 528