Rest of England & North Wales
Term of office 2022 to 2025
Who am I?
My last few years of involvement in youth voice and the hospital’s own Youth Forum have formulated both my view of the importance of young people’s voices as patients as well as experience in which I have sought to ensure those voices are heard.
Whilst my experience spans influencing local government, health boards and third sector organisations, my keen interest is in healthcare inequalities and patient representation. I currently work with the Cheshire and Merseyside Transforming Care Partnership sub-group to ensure patient representation for young people and I have also been involved with the organisation Youth Access in creating the Altogether Better charter for person-centred mental health services which we later collaboratively presented at the CAMHS National Summit.
What do I bring to this role?
Through the experience within the Alderhey Youth Forum, I have developed assurance that in representing patients I can call upon both my personal experiences and the experiences of others as it gives me the opportunity to meet and learn more about a number of other patient’s stories.
I believe the experience I’ve had would help me to diligently represent the patients of the Trust as a Patient Governor and that it could help me offer a fresh perspective to the Council. I hope to also use my experience to ensure that not only are young people as patients represented, but also empowered by helping to evidence the difference they can make.
How can I be contacted?
I can be contacted via the following e-mail address: [email protected]