Constituency: Cheshire
Term of office: first term, 2023-2026
Who am I?
I am a professional engineering consultant with experience working in many worldwide locations . I am a retired Army Colonel REME and a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers and Instrumentation and Control Engineers . I am also a Chartered member of The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health. My business is to evaluate and analyse equipment and building requirements of Clients like Pepsi ,Coca Cola, and even the NHS to ensure value for money is obtained and that things get done on time. I advise companies on Health and Safety matters and carry out safety audits as required.
What do I bring to this role?
I am able to review contractors and contracts, installations, and equipment with a view to getting the best value for money and eliminate waste as far as possible, I can review current working practices to ensure the most appropriate and effective methods are in use for the client and ensure cost savings are implemented where they are evident . I am a volunteer in the Royal Voluntary service and able offer advice on aspects of help and care. I also have an enhanced DBS certificate so able to carry out tasks for the vulnerable . I can offer qualified professional advice on most Health and Safety matters and carry out safety audits if requested. I have worked at Alderhey several times and observed things that could and should be changed to help the hospital get value for money.
How can I be contacted?
I can be contacted via the following e-mail address: [email protected]